About Wheel Power Challenge 滾動力量
Established in 2014, Wheel Power Challenge developed from a community initiative to a registered charity in Hong Kong. We are a registered charity named Wheel Power Charity Limited, and dedicated to promoting accessibility and social inclusion for people with physical disabilities.
We offer experiential programmes on wheelchair accessibility, sports empowerment programmes for people with physical disabilities, and accessibility assessment and hiking/beach wheelchair rental for outdoor programmes. We strive to remove physical barriers and increasing awareness about the barriers faced by wheelchair users.
Experiential programmes
Collaborated organizations
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Featured programmes
Wheel We Hike? 滾動上山
Since 2017, we formed the “Barrier-free Hiking Routes Exploration Team” with wheelchair users, teams of 綠洲 Oasistrek and Trailwatch 徑‧香港. Every fall and winter, we conduct on-site assessment and document a number of barrier-free hiking routes in countryside of Hong Kong to encourage wheelchair users, their family and friends to enjoy the beauty of Nature together.
Since 2019, we collaborate with 綠洲 Oasistrek to introduce a hiking wheelchair called “TrailRider” to Hong Kong so people with physical disabilities can enjoy more challenging terrains with the support from trained voluntary companions.

Wheel To Beach 滾動落海
As a highlight in 2016, we created a beach-accessible wheelchair prototype that enables wheelchair users to enjoy the beach and feel the sea themselves.
Since 2019 summer, we organize beach activities using beach-accessible wheelchair that can roll on sand and float on shallow water. Our services include beach wheelchair rental programme, on-site training, and monitoring to ensure safety of all participants and volunteers. It is a popular sports empowerment programme for people with physical disabilities.

Wheel We Meet? 滾動相遇
Participants from all walks of life take turn to use wheelchairs to travel around the community and perform daily tasks from the perspective of wheelchair users. This activity also records and plots the architectural accessibility information on online maps for public reference. It is a popular programme for companies’ CSR or team-building programmes.

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We believe each of us could contribute to the co-creation of an inclusive society. Every little act counts! Let’s join us to infuse a stream of “Wheel Power” to the society!