Wheel To Beach 滾動落海


As a highlight in 2016, we created a beach-accessible wheelchair prototype that enables wheelchair users to enjoy the beach and feel the sea themselves.

Since 2019 summer, we organize beach activities using beach-accessible wheelchair that can roll on sand and float on shallow water. Our services include beach wheelchair rental programme, on-site training, and monitoring to ensure safety of all participants and volunteers. It is a popular sports empowerment programme for people with physical disabilities.

滾動落海 - 沙灘輪椅租用計劃
Wheel To Beach - Beach Wheelchair Rental Program

「滾動落海 – 沙灘輪椅租用計劃」讓輪椅使用者、親朋好友一起享受海灘 Summer Fun,歡迎有興趣團體及機構參加!

  • 日期及時段:可選擇日期及時段,我們會盡力配合。建議活動時間為3-5小時,以參與的輪椅使用者人數作主要考慮,詳情可與我們聯絡,以便作出最適合貴機構的安排。
  • 地點:淺水灣泳灘
  • 查詢請電郵至 info@wheelpowerchallenge.org 我們會盡快與你聯絡,謝謝支持!

The “Wheel To Beach – Beach Wheelchair Rental Program” welcome all groups and organizations to let wheelchair users enjoy the Summer with family and friends!

  • Date & time: You can pick the preferred date and time, we will do our best to accommodate. Recommended duration for an event will be about 3-5 hours, mainly depending on the number of participating wheelchair users. Please contact us to make the best arrangement for your group/organization.
  • Location: Repulse Bay
  • For enquiry: info@wheelpowerchallenge.org We will get in touch with you as soon as possible. Thank you for your support!
  1. 在沙灘輪椅上,我可以做什麼?
    • 你可以在沙灘漫步、玩沙,或在海上漂浮(淺水區)。 如果不想出海是沒問題的,你可選擇在同行者幫助下靠近海邊。
  2. 在活動期間,我會做什麼?
    • 每個時段需時約 3-5 小時。前30分鐘工作人員會講解沙灘輪椅的安全措施及訓練。在剩餘時間,輪椅使用者及同行者可自由使用沙灘輪椅。建議預留約30分鐘沖涼、收拾物品。.
  3. 我可以帶同親友參加活動嗎?
    • 當然可以。每輛沙灘輪椅必須由至少3位同行者同時操作,歡迎邀請親友參加,團體/機構亦可安排工作人員或義工參與 (例子:如該活動有2名輪椅使用者參加,需要邀請至少6名同行者。) 我們建議多安排1位同行者協助看顧個人物品,包括輪椅使用者的輪椅。
    • 同行者須有能力自如地協助使用者移動及控制輪椅。
    • 請於報名表告知會有多少名同行者出席,如沒有足夠同行者,我們會嘗試安排義工幫忙。
  4. 我適合參加嗎? 使用沙灘輪椅需要怎樣的身體狀況?
    • 輪椅使用者及同行者必須年滿18歲。
    • 輪椅使用者的體重不超過300磅 / 136公斤。
    • 不懂游泳也可參加。
    • 能夠自行獨立或在他人輔助下(並同時不需要機器協助,例如:吊機),由自己輪椅轉換到沙灘輪椅坐下,並維持平衡地坐。
  5. 沙灘輪椅安全嗎?如何操作?
    • 沙灘輪椅是一件安全的工具,讓你享受在海灘的時間。
    • 沙灘輪椅需由同行者移動(注意:沒有剎車功能)。
    • 沙灘輪椅需要由同行者協助使用及在水中穩定平衡,不能單獨使用,使用時確保有至少三位同行者在旁隨時協助。
  6. 我需要進行哪些安全程序?
    • 收到報名資料後,我們會盡快跟已報名的輪椅使用者聯絡,了解更多該位輪椅使用者和同行者的身體狀況及無障礙安排需要,以便雙方決定是否合適參與是次沙灘輪椅活動。
    • 確認參與後,輪椅使用者和同行者將在活動開始時進行30分鐘的安全培訓,檢查和確認沙灘輪椅狀況良好,並在使用沙灘輪椅前簽署協議。
    • 每位輪椅使用者使用沙灘輪椅時,必須有至少3位同行者陪同。
    • 輪椅使用者和同行者在水中必須穿著救生衣。
    • 輪椅使用者必須扣好安全帶。
    • 不論在沙灘或海上,同行者都需要協助移動和穩定沙灘輪椅。
    • 至於輪椅使用者本身的輪椅,建議分配多一位同行者看管它。如有需要,我們可以借出車鎖,把輪椅鎖在欄杆。
    • 我們將提供基本保險。如需更多保障,建議自行購買保險。
  7. 出發到沙灘前,我要準備什麼?
    • 請於出發前換上泳衣。
    • 帶備另一套衣服,於活動後替換。
    • 帶備並在臉部和身體外露部份搽上防曬乳液;如需更多保護,可帶備帽子、太陽眼鏡、長袖衫褲和雨傘。
    • 可帶備另一條毛巾或坐墊,以便墊在沙灘輪椅上坐。
    • 如需服用任何藥物,請放入防水袋並隨身攜帶。
    • 帶備多個口罩以便替換。
    • 帶備零食、水果和水樽(泳灘有飲水機)。
    • 如想在泳灘買食物或飲品,請帶備現金。
    • 泳灘有淋浴設施,請自攜沐浴用品和毛巾。
  8. 受疫情影響,活動會有什麼特別措施和安排?
    • 為了讓參加者在疫情下能安心享樂,滾動力量將採取以下防疫措施  (如疫情有變,我們可能會更新措施):
    • 參加者須於活動前一天填妥及遞交健康申報表:包括表明參加者非強制檢疫人士、活動日前七天沒有與任何新冠肺炎患者接觸。
    • 參加者須於活動日早上進行新冠肺炎病毒快速測試,測試呈陰性才可參與當日活動。參加者須在測試棒上記錄其姓名、測試日期及時間,再拍照並儲存於手機,以便到達沙灘時讓滾動力量工作人員查看。
    • 活動開始前參加者須接受體溫檢測,如體溫超過37度將不能參與活動。
    • 參加者請自行準備口罩替換,並在離開水面後佩戴口罩。
    • 每次活動前,滾動力量都會消毒沙灘輪椅。
    • 如有參加者因體溫超過37度,或健康申報出現問題(例如於過去七天曾與新冠肺炎患者接觸)而不能參與,並使人數不足、影響活動進行,滾動力量將不會退款。
  9. 如果天氣不穩定,活動安排如何?
    • 如有任何暴雨或雷暴警告訊號、或三號或以上颱風訊號在活動開始前三小時懸掛,活動須延期舉行。團體/機構及滾動力量將協調另一時段進行活動。
  10. 活動費用包括、不包括什麼?
    • 活動費用包括:安全訓練、救生衣、沙灘輪椅租借及運送、團體人身意外保險費。如需淋浴椅,請於報名時預先通知,我們會預備一部普通手推輪椅在淋浴間使用。
    • 活動費用不包括:參加者的交通費、膳食、其他個人用品及開支。
  11. 如何前往淺水灣泳灘? 那裡有什麼無障礙設施?
    • 你可乘搭公共交通前往淺水灣泳灘,我們不提供交通服務。
    • 建議於港鐵香港站D出口,步行至中環交易廣場巴士總站,搭乘6、6A、6X、66或 260號巴士,於「麗景道」車站下車。再步行約5分鐘至淺水灣泳灘,詳細步行路線將於稍後公佈。
    • 有關淺水灣泳灘的無障礙設施,請參考Freeguider網站:https://www.freeguider.com/hk/venues/Repulse-bay-beach-disable-leisure 
  12. 我應該帶多少水和食物?
    • 請攜帶一個水樽,泳灘有飲水機供免費加水。 食物方面,泳灘有小食亭、附近有超市和餐廳,但價錢較貴、可能不方便輪椅進入。 建議帶備一些小吃和水果。
  1. What can I do with the beach wheelchair?
    • You can walk around the beach and float on the sea (shallow area). You don’t have to go to the water if you don’t want to, you may just get close to the shore with assistance from your companions. What would I do during the event?
    • Each session lasts for 3-5 hours. You must go through a 30-minute safety training at the start, then you are free to use the beach wheelchair for a stroll along the beach or to float on the sea. You are advised to leave at least 30 minutes for shower and wrap up.
  2. Can I bring my friends and family?
    • Yes, of course. In fact, each wheelchair user must be accompanied by at least 3 companions while using the beach wheelchair, please invite family and friends to join, group/organization can also arrange staff or volunteers to participate (example: if 2 wheelchair users enrolled in the same event, there should be at least 6 companions to assist). You are advised to have 1 more companion to help look after participants’ belongings, including wheelchair user’s own wheelchair.
    • Companions must be able to assist wheelchair user to move and control the wheelchair.
    • Please let us know how many companion will be attending in the enrollment form. If there are not enough companions, we will try to arrange volunteers with advance notice.
  3. When and where would the events take place?
    • Date & time: From 22 August to16 October, you can pick the preferred date and time, we will do our best to accommodate. Recommended duration for an event will be about 3-5 hours (number of participating wheelchair users will be the factor to determine the duration, please contact us to make the best arrangement for your group/organization).
    • Location: Repulse Bay (Location is subject to change if Repluse Bay is not available)
  4. Am I suitable to participate? What is the physical requirement of using the beach wheelchair?
    • Over 18 years old (both the wheelchair user and their companions)
    • Weight of wheelchair user is below 300lbs / 136kg
    • No prior swimming experience required
    • Able to transfer from their own wheelchair to the beach wheelchair independently or with mild assistance (and not in need of any machine assistance, e.g. hoist), and have good sitting balance.
  5. Is the beach wheelchair safe? How does it function?
    • The beach wheelchair is a safe tool to let you enjoy the time on the beach and the sea
    • The beach wheelchair will be moved by the companions (note: it does not have a brake)
    • Each wheelchair user must be accompanied by at least 3 companions while using the beach wheelchair, the companions will assist wheelchair user to move and stabilize the beach wheelchair.
  6. What are the safety procedures I need to go through?
    • Before confirming participation, we will get in touch with the wheelchair user to understand more about the physical conditions to check if the wheelchair user is physically fit to join.
    • After confirming participation, wheelchair user and companions will attend a 30-minute safety training at the beginning of the event, check and confirm the beach wheelchair is in good condition, and sign an agreement before using the beach wheelchair.
    • Each wheelchair user must be accompanied by at least 3 companions while using the beach wheelchair.
    • Wheelchair user and companions must wear life jackets while in the water.
    • Wheelchair user must fasten seatbelt.
    • Companions will assist wheelchair user to move and stabilize the beach wheelchair, no matter it is on the beach or the sea.
    • For your own wheelchair, you are advised to have 1 more companion to help look after it, we can lend you a lock to lock the wheelchair along the fence if needed.
    • Basic insurance will be provided by us, participants are also suggested to buy their own insurance for the activity if they need more protection.
  7. What do I have to prepare before going to the beach?
    • Wear your swimsuit before coming to the beach
    • Bring an extra change of clothes
    • Bring and apply sunscreen on your face and body; you may bring hat, sunglasses, long sleeves and umbrella if you want more protection
    • Bring an extra towel or mat if you want something to sit on
    • If you need to take any medicine, bring them with you in a waterproof bag
    • Bring spare masks to wear
    • Bring snacks and water bottle (there is water dispenser at the beach for refill)
    • Bring cash if you want to buy food or drinks at the beach
    • There are shower facilities at the beach, bring your own toiletries and towel to dry yourself
  8. What measures will be taken in response to COVID-19?
    • The following precaution measures will be taken in response to COVID-19 (the measures might be updated according to the latest pandemic situation):
    • Participants are required to fill in and submit the health declaration forms one day before the event, participants have to indicate that they are not under compulsory quarantine and have not been in contact with any COVID-19 patients in 7 days before the event, etc.
    • Participants are required to take COVID-19  rapid antigen tests (RAT) in the morning of the event day, only the participants with negative results can join the event. Participants have to write down the name, test date and time on the testing kit, then take a photo of the testing kit and save it in the mobile phone for checking by the Wheel Power staff at the beach.
    • Temperature of every participant will be measured before the event starts, participant will not be allowed to join the event if the body temperature exceeds 37°C.
    • Participants should prepare their own masks and wear mask when they are out of water.
    • Beach wheelchairs will be sanitized before the event.
    • There will be no refund if the event is affected by the withdrawal of participant due to body temperature exceeding 37°C or problem of the health declaration (e.g. in contact with COVID-19 patient in 7 days before the event).
  9. What would happen if the weather is not stable?
    • If there are any rainstorm or thunderstorm signals, or typhoon signal No.3 or above in place 3 hours before the start of the event, the event will be postponed. We will coordinate with the group/organization for another date & time for the event.
  10. What would and would not be covered by the fee?
    • The fee includes: Safety training, life jackets, beach wheelchair rentals and transport, group personal accident insurance. If you need a shower wheelchair, please inform us in advance when you enroll, we will prepare a standard hand-push wheelchair.
    • The fee does NOT include: Transportation expense, meals and other personal items for the participants.
  11. How can I get to Repulse Bay? What are the accessibility facilities there?
    • You can take public transport to Repulse Bay, we will not provide transportation service.
    • You are recommended to take MTR to Hong Kong Station Exit D, then walk to Central (Exchange Square) bus stop. Take bus No. 6, 6A, 6X, 66 or 260 and get off at “Belleview Drive” bus stop. Take a 5-min walk to Repulse Bay Beach, the detailed walking route will be published later.
    • For accessibility facilities at Repulse Bay, please refer to the information on Freeguider: https://www.freeguider.com/hk/venues/Repulse-bay-beach-disable-leisure
  12. How much water and food should I bring?
    • Please bring a water bottle and you can refill in the water dispenser for free. For food, there are kiosk, supermarket and restaurants at Repulse Bay but they are quite expensive and may not be convenient to access. We recommend you bringing some handy snacks and fruit.
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